Saturday, October 18, 2008
A Day In the Life
Thursday, August 28, 2008
where has the time gone?
Yes the second picture and third picture are of Josef and Lauren's artwork. Josef fessed up to being a "bad boy". Lauren on the other hand said, "No, mommy DoDo do it by DoDo's self." Which would make us famous if Josef could literally draw on his own BACK!!
School has started as of August 5th. Kaleb is in 2nd grade. The twins are in 11th grade. Eric is in his second year of preschool, but already fully prepared for Kindergarten. He doesn't turn 5 until November. His teacher is working on writing and reading with him. He is so excited to learn to read. The babies will be screened for preschool when they turn 3 in September. i am pretty sure they will qualify due to being 4 weeks premature, speech and delayed language. they would actually start going to Eric's school for 1/2 day 4 days a week. AT 3 YEARS!!! amazing. Eric's teacher is absolutely fantastic. She has a Master's in Early Childhood Special Ed. She is wonderful with those little ones.
As for me, I return to subbing again this year. this is not what I wanted; I would rather have my own classroom. But I will work hard to get to know the principals in each school. We try to spend time each weekend at the Water Park at Fort Knox. They close Labor day, so we have only one weekend left. The kids love to go swimming. Eric and Kaleb took swim lessons this summer. They did great, but kaleb was more preoccupied with the "cold" water. Between bugs and cold water... he is hopeless (=
And now for the greatest news we have heard in a long time. My father is now cancer free. Lots of prayers and determination went into his recovery. We continue to pray for his health and strength.
I hope this finds you all well.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
aahhhh the days of summer
Thanks to my wonderful uncle Earl, the kids got their first taste of riding in a speed boat. and they LOVED it. Infact, It was really hard to get the babies out. they would rather just stay in there. they loved watching someone in the innertube behind them. Josef kept telling Uncle Earl to "GO, GO". It was cute.
We went to the carnival at the festival. it ended up being the hottest part of the weekend so we didn't stay very long. I looked like I would fall over. I didn't bring the stroller to MI, so the babies were walking all over wanting stuff.
Where's Joey? OK, there is Lauren. Kaleb come here. Where did Eric go? Let me go find Eric. Watch joe. Lauren is coming with me. Kaleb..... did you hear me? Eric. you have to listen to mommy or you will get lost? Lauren? where did you go to???? Eric, stay with me! Lauren you have to stay with mommy. Hold my hand.... Lauren hold my hand. OH look, Josef is running to that dog... Josef..... STOP!!!! I never thought of holstering my children together until that day!!! WHEW!
They were able to ride some carnival rides.... OH listen to this!!! When WE, as kids, went to the carnival, tickets were 10 for $1.00. I know that was 30 ish years ago... but they are 1.00 a piece. and each ride is 3 or 4 tickets. WHAT a rip off!!!! holy crap! It had better be the ride of their life!!! But to see the look on their face as they go round and round is priceless.
The 4th will be Friday.... and we have no plans. kind of nice actually. Unfortunately we have a 50% chance of rain. a huge bummer for all of the celebrations going on. Fort knox is having a big day, but I think it will be more stress for me than fun. And to keep them all up until 10:30 for the light show is crazy. At least for the babies it is. I bought some in Indiana. I will probably light them in the back yard if it is not raining.
I got back and practically all of my flowers were gonners. My neighbor was supposed to have watered them. My hanging planters.... totally gone. wilted down to nothing. I could have cried. She says.... "I don't know what happened to them." yeah, try giving them some water. I am working hard to get them all back to life.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Boy, It's hot
We had a boyscout cook out here at the house. It was in the 90's and hot... but the kids played on the slip and slide and loved it. Yummy food, lots of soda, water balloons and water fights. GREAT FUN!!
I have officially killed our only tree that we planted. I planted flowers around the base and apparently sucked all the life out of the roots of the tree. I am bummed... but will find a great replacement soon. I will put our flowers in another spot. and leave the new tree to breathe!!
We have 2 new houses going up in our culdesac. It is very busy around the neighborhood. They are completing two others. They will be nice ones. I hope they sell quick. We always enjoy having new people in the area.
Picture updates coming soon.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Only 469 days to go!!

since I have been driving by LA Weightloss almost every day... I figured I would check it out. Good thing I did, because it has changed me and my life.. My weight loss is slow, but still going down which is the most important thing. I am at about 23 lbs so far since january. It should be more, but I won't focus on should'ves.... only what I have done. I am very proud but I have a long way to go still.
You can continue to see my loss as I post it.
see you soon,
Thursday, May 22, 2008
the Beginning
I am starting this for the first time. Taking on a new venture... I want to keep up better with my family and friends as well as give my husband a way to check up on the family while deployed to Iraq. I am exiced to add pictures.... soon. Look back